Why is it important to replace the motor that is currently being used on your equipment with the same one?

Hydraulic motors are used with most of your equipment or maybe all of it.  But what do you do when its time to replace the motor? 

Maybe you have a motor in your back room that you may want to use and you don't know if it will work the same as the defective motor that is being replaced. The motor gets installed because at this point you want your equipment to work.  Once the motor is installed you notice that one side of the equipment is running faster/slower than the other or if its a conveyor, the conveyor may be running faster but struggles when you load it up with cars. 

This is were the displacement of the motors come into play. 

Displacement is a power variable that indicates how much fluid is moved be a hydraulic pump in one cycle.  Low Displacement = Higher RPM Lower Torque. High Displacement = Lower RPM High Torque. 

In the example below we are comparing the torque and rpm produced for the 5.7 and 10.1 displacement motor.

  • 5.7 Displacement has a max RPM of 607 and produces 183 in continuous torque
  • 10.1 Displacement has a max RPM of 343 and produces 301 in continuous torque

This is why it is important to purchase the correct motor for the equipment.  The wrong motor can cause issues with the quality of the wash, damage a piece of equipment, over heat the oil in the power pack which can cause the seals on the motor to prematurely fail.  

We recommend to take a picture of the tag and save it in your files, this way you know which motor needs to be ordered when the time comes. 

Our Sonny's customer service will be more than happy to assist you with finding the correct motor for your application if needed. 


If you have any further questions please feel free to contact your Sonny's Technical Support team at: SonnysSupport@SonnysDirect.com