Before we start, make sure to get a copy of the owner’s manual which you can download at and review all the safety information related to this procedure.
Gather the tools and supplies you’ll need which are:
- Safety Glasses
Once you have everything ready the first thing you need to do is:
- We recommend AW32 non-detergent, non-foaming hydraulic fluid which is an oil-based product
- Hydraulic oil should be changed on an annual basis
- Water-based products can be used * water-based products run much hotter and will void most manufacturer's warranties. If water-based products will be used, a cooler should be added to the system.
The proper way to fill a tank is to override on MCC or controller, the tank is empty so the pump won’t run because low-level switch activated when draining the tank. Fill tank until low-level switch re-engages the pump, then add about an additional gallon. Much easier to clean up 1 gallon of fluid than several gallons.