Before we start,  make sure to get a copy of the owner’s manual which you can download at and review all the safety information related to this procedure.

  Gather the tools and supplies you’ll need which are:

  •  Safety Glasses
  • 1/16” Allen Wrench

  Once you have everything ready the first thing you need to do is: 

  1. Override the H-25 pump on the MCC or controller. Stand back from the manifold,
  2.  Have somebody activate the Mac Valve,
  3.  Using the 1/16 Allen wrench, loosen the set screw on the Brass Air Valve,
  4.  Adjust the basket flipping motion by turning the brass flow control valve left or right,
  5.  Make a note of the color and number of the ring on the Brass valve to set the other side with value, this way both baskets will move at the same speed. 
  6.  Using the 1/16” Allen wrench, tighten the safety screw on the valve 
  7.  Activate the Mac Valve to ensure the right speed and synch on both baskets.
  8.  Turn off the pump.