Before we start, make sure to get a copy of the owner’s manual which you can download at and review all the safety information related to this procedure.
Gather the tools and supplies you’ll need which are:
- Safety Glasses
- Grease gun (with all-purpose grease)
- Rags and a prep gun unit.
Once you have everything ready the first thing you need to do is:
- Find the 3 grease fittings: (1 fork assy. 1 Drum or sprocket assy and slide tube)
- Wipe off grease fitting before apply grease.
- Hook the grease gun onto the grease fitting. (hand grease gun)
- Pump 1 or 2 times or until you feel resistance
- Grease the slide tube until grease comes out from the weep hole at the bottom.
- On the air cylinder rod, spray white lithium grease, move the piston back and forward twice, clean the grease excess with a rag.
Note: Drum or sprocket bearings have to be greased weekly and the sliding tubes and fork bearings every month.
Cleaning process:
- Every day remove the pit grading from the take-up section and wash down the conveyor using a prep gun or garden hose to remove the chemicals, and dirt from the chain, drum & sprocket.