The PLC or programmable logic controller, is a relay that controls the amount of tire seal chemical that is applied to the brush by car count and pump time.  At the end you will get less sling and drag out on drive, better tire dressing and more efficient chemical control.  

To properly set the car count on your PLC, do the following: 

  1. Switch the relay on your controller to hand/manual.  This will turn the PLC screen on. 
  2. Press the menu/ok
  3. Scroll down to parameter and press the menu/ok button
  4. Once in parameters you will should see CC1 on the top left corner of your screen. This is the screen where you are going to program how many cars will have to get the tire seal package or upgrade before the G57 pumps turns on to prime your brush.
  5. Press the right arrow and move the cursor over to the bottom right hand side "P=00003"
  6. Once on P=00003 press the up or down arrow to change value to your desired number. 
  7. Once you have entered your value, hit menu/ok until you get to the main menu. 

To change the seconds of chemical application to the brush, do the following: 

  1. Repeat steps 1-4
  2. Press the up or down arrow and the screen will change to TT2
  3. Press the right arrow button until the cursor is blinking over the "T=002" field
  4. Press the up or down arrow to adjust the field to the desirable time. 
  5. Press menu/ok until you are back to the main screen
  6. Done

NOTE: PLC Comes programed from factory every 3rd car for 2.0 seconds

If you need further assistance please contact your Sonny's Technical Support Team at: