Why is the pressure on my power pack spiking? 

Pressure spikes could appear out of nowhere. Depending on the problem it could turn out to be a simple solution or a headache.  Below are some examples of why your power pack pressure may spike:

  • Obstruction in the lines
  • Bad flow control
  • Undersized Power pack
  • Jammed Chain/Roller
  • Dirty oil and filter
  • If using a hydrapulse unit make sure the hydraulic lines are connected on the correct ports
    1. Power pack
    2. Hydrapulse 
    3. Heco Gearbox 
    4. Heco gearbox return
    5. Back to the power pack filter
  • Two flow power pack but only using one flow control*

*If you have a two flow power pack, but you are only using one flow control, you can run into a problem where the power pack may have a sudden pressure spike.  To avoid a pressure spike when using a two flow power pack, but only using one, do the following: 

  • Add a tee to the return filter
  • Run a bypass line from the output of the unused flow control back to the tee

Why should you do this? If the second flow control is not being used, after time, oil accumulates on the output port of the flow control which will cause the power pack to build unnecessary pressure, creating a pressure spike. 

By running a bypass line back to the return line we are alleviating that pressure from the second flow control and eliminating any unnecessary pressure spikes that the unused flow control may cause.