Bypassing too much hydraulic oil back into the power pack tank can cause the oil to get too hot which will cause the Heco seal carrier to prematurely wear out.  Please check the following: 

  • What is the power pack flow control set at ? 1-10? 

NOTE: Setting the flow control too low will cause an excessive amount of oil to bypass back into tank. Bypassing too much oil will create extra heat which will transfer over to the gearbox causing the seals to prematurely fail.

  • If the hydraulic motor or Vickers vein pump was replaced, double check the part numbers to make sure the correct pump or motor was purchased. 
    • Example: If the hydraulic motor that was previously being used on the Heco was an 18.0cu inch motor and an 11.4cu inch motor was purchased and installed, the flow control on the power pack will now have to be set lower to match your previous CPH.  Less cubic inch on a motor equals less torque and higher RPM's .
    • Check the torque settings on your power pack and make sure its not set too high. Torque settings on a conveyor should not be higher than 1200 PSI.  Refer to Power Pack flow control adjustments to properly calibrate the conveyor power pack.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your Sonny's Technical Support Team at: